Using a Static Page AND a Blog Page
This will basically allow you to have both a Website Page and Blog Page using the same Template – i.e. the same format. For example if you write a page entitled “Blog”, it would be accessible separately at This would then allow you to have a static front page entitled, say “Home” and accessible from .
OK – sounds easy!! And it is easy!!
Setting up a seperate Blog Posts page:
First you need to “add a new page” that will be used as your posts page. For example if you write a page titled “Blog“, it would be accessible separately at You don’t need any content in the new page – just leave it blank and don’t forget to save it!.
Note that this posts page will be automatically populated with posts . . . just like WordPress does by default – this will be your “normal” blog page.
Setting up a seperate Home (front) page:
Now you need to “add a new page” to be used as your Front Page – call it “Home” or whatever – and decide exactly what you want your visitors to see and produce an eye-catching front page. This is what will hit your visitors when they first venture onto your site – so make it good!!
Pulling it all together.
1. Login to your WordPress Admin panel as normal
2. From the menu, navigate to Settings -> Reading
3. Under “Front page displays“, check the static page option. See below:-
4. Ensure the Front page you would like to display is selected from the Front page drop down (“Home“).
5. Select a seperate Posts page – this will be the page that will now list your most recent Blog posts (“Blog“).
6. Click Update Options and “Hey Presto” – go to view your newly configured site!
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