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Using a Static Page AND a Blog Page

How many times have you thought about how to have a static home or front page for your blog while still being able to have the “normal” list of blog posts on another page??

This will basically allow you to have both a Website Page and Blog Page using the same Template – i.e. the same format. For example if you write a page entitled “Blog”, it would be accessible separately at This would then allow you to have a static front page entitled, say “Home” and accessible from .

OK – sounds easy!! And it is easy!!

Setting up a seperate Blog Posts page:

First you need to “add a new page” that will be used as your posts page. For example if you write a page titled “Blog“, it would be accessible separately at You don’t need any content in the new page – just leave it blank and don’t forget to save it!.

Note that this posts page will be automatically populated with posts . . . just like WordPress does by default – this will be your “normal” blog page.

Setting up a seperate Home (front) page:

Now you need to “add a new page” to be used as your Front Page – call it “Home” or whatever – and decide exactly what you want your visitors to see and produce an eye-catching front page. This is what will hit your visitors when they first venture onto your site – so make it good!!

Pulling it all together.

1. Login to your WordPress Admin panel as normal
2. From the menu, navigate to Settings -> Reading
3. Under “Front page displays“, check the static page option. See below:-

pjCheviot WordPress Reading Settings

4. Ensure the Front page you would like to display is selected from the Front page drop down (“Home“).
5. Select a seperate Posts page – this will be the page that will now list your most recent Blog posts (“Blog“).
6. Click Update Options and “Hey Presto” – go to view your newly configured site!

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